Message from the RAB Chair, April 2020
Posted on Apr 1st, 2020
This is probably going to be the saddest letter from the chair...or from any other committee member. We are strong and hopefully everyone survives in our little community. This quote has been on Facebook and I thought you might read it and think about what it says. It applies to both young and old.
"I think that when the dust settles, we will realize how very little we need, how much we actually have, and the true value of human connection."
Please remember the requests of our governor. This request was also put on the website about social distancing..staying six feet away from people. It’s so difficult because everyone needs a hug once in awhile. We have postponed all NTRA sponsored social activities for the future until cleared.
Also postponed will be the transfer from developer to homeowner control and the election of the new BOD. The present BOD has asked that the RAB and all committees continue to function and NOT terminate on April 1, 2020. They all agreed to comply.
Please try to be tolerant of our landscapers. They should be complying with requested behavior by healthcare officials. In my personal opinion, landscaping of our property is a non-essential activity. The landscapers will be providing a weekly schedule of their services which will be posted on the website.
Remember to try to STAY SAFE by following guidelines from health officials. One thing I have noticed more people walking than ever before. So enjoy saying hello to new friends. And maybe lose a few pounds! LOL
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