Board Buzz

BOARD BUZZ - December 2024 by Jack Espinal, President
Posted on Dec 1st, 2024

The NTRA Board of Directors has decided to change the structure of our monthly Board of Directors meetings to provide a more efficient operation and to better serve our community.  We have determined that placing the nonpublic Executive Session at the end of the meeting makes it more difficult for Board members to concentrate on the issues at hand when meetings run long. It also forces residents who wish to be present when votes are taken on issues discussed in the Executive Session to wait outside until after the Executive Session discussions have been completed.  Holding the Executive Session first will allow the Board to give these issues the attention they deserve and will allow residents to hear the outcome of any related votes at the top of the meeting.
Therefore, effective at the December 2024 Board meeting our executive session will be held between 1 and 1:50 PM.  The public Board meeting will be called to order at 2 PM.  The business of the public meeting will take place in the following order:
  1.  Call the public meeting to order
  2.  Establish a quorum and then review and adopt the meeting agenda
  3.  Review and approve the minutes of the previous meeting
  4.  Vote as needed on any of the issues discussed in the Executive Session (violations, delinquent accounts, contracts, and or legal matters)
  5.  Review written membership comments previously submitted to the Board
  6.  Chesapeake Bay Management Company’s Managers Report
  7.  NTRA Treasurer’s report
  8.  NTRA Committee reports (as needed)
  9.  Old business items requiring action (Items with only a status update in the manager’s report will not be included on the agenda)
  10.  New Business
  11.  Unscheduled Member comments
  12.  Review of upcoming meetings and adjournment
The Board of Directors encourages residents to make written comments so that they can become part of the Association's records. This will ensure that comments are well documented. Members who submit written comments to the Board are also encouraged to present a short (maximum 3-minute) oral summary of their written comments early in the meeting. This gives them the option of staying for the rest of the Board meeting or departing. Residents without written comments will be allowed three minutes for their oral comments to the Board at the end of the meeting.
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