Town Crier Articles

Posted on June 1, 2024 6:55 AM by Town Crier Staff
May has been a month of change for the administration of our HOA with Chesapeake Bay Management assigning a new community manager and administrative assistant to the New Town Residential Association.
Community Manager, Jim McEvoy
Jim McEvoy brings years of hands-on management experience which will be valuable for New Town. He has had approximately 15 years’ experience in hotel and resort management in the Atlantic City New Jersey area.  
In addition, he has performed well working in the vacation ownership industry for 16 years with both Wyndham Vacations and Bluegreen Vacations (where he won the Resort Manager of the Year Award in 2014). His prior assignments with community association management were with United Property Associates in Newport News, and Everest Property Management in Williamsburg. At Chesapeake Bay Management he worked as the community manager for seven small communities (all at the same time) in the Williamsburg area. Imagine what managing projects in seven communities, dealing with seven boards of directors, and seven different sets of governing documents must be like!
Jim became a Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA) in 2022 by completing the required training on financial management, community leadership, association communications and community governance.  He is a lifelong learner and is currently working towards completing the requirements to become a certified Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM).  This coursework includes risk management, legal aspects of community governance, facilities management, and leadership.  Chesapeake Bay Management has confidence in Jim’s ability and potential and shows this by funding his tuition.  He currently has completed one-third of the M-200 courses (a pre-requisite to the PCAM exam) , after which he will be eligible to apply for the PCAM credential.  His goal is to attain this prestigious credential by the first quarter of 2025.
Jim enjoys managing community projects that improve and maintain the community.  Several of his past projects have been so large that the execution had to be spread over multiple years.  He excelled at writing specifications and obtaining multiple competitive bids from vendors.  As the projects were executed, he ensured that contract specifications were met.
Jim was born in Camden, New Jersey and grew up in multiple locations throughout South Jersey.  He has successfully raised a son and daughter and together with his wife Tina enjoys spending time with his four grandchildren.  When he is not at work he can usually be found reading about American history, history in general, and world literature.  Jim and Tina enjoy traveling and visiting historical sites.  They currently reside in Norge Virginia and have lived in the Williamsburg area since 2010.
Admin Support, Demetriah Canady
Assisting Jim in overseeing the functioning of our community is our new Administrative Assistant, Demetria (Dee) Canady. Demetria came on board just in time for the 2024 community pool pass activation season-initiation by fire so to speak! 
Before accepting her current role, Demetria was a Marketing Manager for 12 years at a local resort in Williamsburg.  Desiring to expand her career, she left the resort after 17 years. She loves to learn new things and assist when needed.  Although this is her first time working with a homeowners association, she is excited to interact with all the owners and tenants and help to assist with the needs of the community. 
A Baltimore native, Demetria moved to Williamsburg in 2004 and is a graduate of Jamestown High. As a child she loved doing hair and nails. During her last two high school years and after graduating, she began her career in Cosmetology. She loved the field so much that she went back to school to get her Instructors License to teach Cosmetology.  Demetria is married and has two young sons. Her family enjoys traveling and exploring new places. In her spare time you may find her puzzling, spending time with her family, traveling, and even putting together Legos with her sons. 
Posted on June 1, 2024 6:53 AM by NTRA Landscape Advisory Committee
Your input matters! The Landscaping Advisory Committee (LAC) of the New Town Residential Association is dedicated to maintaining the beauty of our community's residential green spaces all year round. But we can't do it alone. Every few years, we reach out to you for your feedback through a landscaping survey. Your responses will directly shape the recommendations we make to Chesapeake Bay Management and our landscape contractor, James River Grounds Management. Your insights will influence our priorities and agenda for the upcoming year, guiding our efforts to enhance the beauty of our surroundings. 
So, we urge you to take a few moments to share your thoughts and suggestions. (The link to the survey is available through the NTRA website - Landscape News feature.) Together, let's work towards making New Town an even more picturesque and vibrant place to call home!
Posted on June 1, 2024 6:52 AM by Scott Ellis
Zoom Room (5129 Main Street) is a nationally franchised training center for people and their pets. The focus of each Zoom Room is on positive reinforcement for dogs to help them with socializing, agility and obedience. 
New Town Zoom Room owner, Tamara Lembke got involved with Zoom Room about a year and a half ago. Her background in marketing combined with her experience training animals at SeaWorld Orlando was a key motivator for her opening the local center. She chose Zoom Room especially due to the focus on positive feedback to the animals and their owners. There is no “bad dog” shouted at the pets and no use of shock collars or other negative training methods. 
Every Zoom Room employee must undergo a minimum of 40 hours of offsite training conducted by the national headquarters. Consistency in employee training and methodology is key to ensuring that every dog and owner are made to feel special.
Tamara and her family (husband, four children and two dogs) are Williamsburg transplants and consider themselves permanent residents. They love the feel of Williamsburg, the kindness of the folks who call Williamsburg home and how good it feels to raise their family here. 
Zoom Room is open seven days per week and currently has five employees. Since it’s part of a respected franchise (with over 64 locations in the USA) consistency is key. Each Zoom Room franchise is decorated the same, uses the same training equipment, the same training methods and offer the same items for sale. Training gear, toys, treat, beds, bowls, collars and leashes are all available for purchase. Some of the treats had very interesting names; Peanut butter Himalayan chew and Bacon Himalayan chew are a few examples. 
Every dog that comes into Zoom Room must be on a leash and dogs are not permitted to engage socially face to face. All dogs must have up to date vaccinations and special puppy classes are held on weekend mornings for the very young pups. In order to ensure cleanliness the entire room is cleaned, swept and mopped every night. 
Puppy programs start at eight weeks. Puppy Plus programs start at four months. Puppy agility classes start at five months of age and adult dog agility class starts at eight months of age.  When I inquired as to why agility training is needed for pups and young dogs, Tamara said it helps especially with dogs that are shy and those that might be coming from pasts that may have had issues. Training and education are key to help owners know how their dogs are growing mentally.   
While I was talking with Tamara, I watched as Rachel, one of the trainers conducted a class for four dogs. Each dog and owner were at corners of the room and were being coached through several exercises. As part of the training, I watched as Rachel went around the room past each dog with a pair of crutches, gently tapping the crutches on the floor as she walked around. One young dog stood at the edge of his training mat and then sat quietly as Rachel passed by. All the while the puppy was given positive encouragement by the owner and Rachel. She did the same with a walker. It was wonderful to observe, something I would not have thought of – using crutches and walkers as training aids. Tamara pointed out that part of the training uses different sounds, different items – all to help install calmness into each dog for as many situations as possible. 
I asked Tamara and Rachel what their favorite dogs were to train. Rachel quickly replied, “rescue dogs and service dogs” and Tamara said she loved the puppies. As we discussed various breeds of dogs Tamara noted that retriever pups need training as early as possible. They love to chew on things! As an owner several times of golden retrievers I can heartily concur and wish we had a chance to have our goldens, Pepsi and Ruff trained when they were young. Would have saved us chewed brake lines, air conditioning wiring (low voltage thank goodness) and a kid’s pool that had a hole chewed in it the very first day we set it up! 
When asked about special memories of a dog they helped train they both laughed and said the same thing. A 219-pound mastiff. “Wow” was all I could say. 
The energy and positivity of Tamara and Rachel and their love for animals was clear. I certainly gained a lot of admiration for how they train the dogs and owners and as a New Town resident who walks frequently, I can only hope that many of the cute puppies and dogs my wife and I encounter daily have been trained at Zoom Room.   
Posted on June 1, 2024 6:45 AM by Scott Ellis
Categories: General
Six years ago, churches and other organizations in the James City County, Williamsburg and Bruton district of York county came together, along with the Williamsburg Area Meals on Wheels and the Lions Club, to find a way to prepare and deliver lunches to school age children in the summer when those kids were not able to receive the free lunches provided while schools are in session.  Per Catherine S. Upton, CEO of Williamsburg Area Meals on Wheels, 
“Summer break, a time that should be filled with laughter, joy and exploration, poses a significant challenge for numerous vulnerable children and their families. For many of these young children, school provides a lifeline – a source of nutrition and stability that is abruptly severed when the final bell rings. Sadly, this interruption leaves them vulnerable to hunger, malnutrition, and its devastating consequences.” 
Last summer, volunteers from eleven local churches, a William and Mary fraternity and several faith-based organizations met daily at Williamsburg Indoor Soccer Complex (WISC) in the Good Food Provisions Cafe to prepare meals for delivery to approximately 300 children each Monday through Friday. Volunteers gather to make sandwiches and package them along with individual juice boxes, pudding cups, applesauce and treats such as granola bars, crackers, chips and home baked cookies or brownies (no nuts permitted). Once the meals are packed, volunteers from the local area Lions Club deliver the meals to local apartment complexes and hotels where kids in need and their families live. 
Fast forward to June 17, 2024. The number of kids signed up to be a part of this year's
Summer Meals program has increased to  468! Obviously, this means much more donation of food and funds as well as more volunteers are needed to help prepare the sandwiches and pack lunches. My wife and I have several friends who have volunteered the past few years to help prepare the lunches and were so moved by the community's generosity of time and funding that we felt compelled to join them this summer. We look forward to gathering with folks we may or may not know but have a common goal – making sure kids have a lunch every weekday! 
The approximate cost for one meal is between $1.80 and $2.20. Sandwich items (bread, meat, cheese, mayo and when available fresh fruits) are sourced through Meals on Wheels. Other food items are donated, and several churches hold food drives specifically for these items. Funding for the same 300 kids as last year will require approximately $33,000 and for 468 kids the amount increases to just over $51,000. All funding is through donations and fundraising drives by the local churches and the local Meals on Wheels. Food costs can be reduced if enough donations are received in the form of individual drink boxes, snacks, etc.
If you are interested in making food donations there are several churches holding food drives over the coming weeks. They are: 
  • King of Glory Lutheran ChurchSunday June 2 - 7:30a.m. – 12:00 noon
    4897 Longhill Rd. Williamsburg 23188
  • St. Martins Episcopal Church – Sunday June 16 - 7:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. 
    1333 Jamestown Road, Williamsburg 23185
  • Williamsburg United Methodist Church - Sunday July 14 - 8:00a.m. - 12:00 noon
    500 Jamestown Rd. Williamsburg 23185
    Williamsburg Community Chapel – Every day through August 16th
    3899 John Tyler Hwy. Williamsburg 23185
  • DayBreak Church – Daily throughout the summer
    Call – 757-725-1691
If you are interested in helping ensure kids in our schools have a nutritional lunch every weekday this summer, you can help by donating funds through or by mailing checks to: Williamsburg Area Meals on Wheels, P.O. Box 709, Williamsburg VA 23187. 
Posted on May 1, 2024 7:00 AM by NTRA Pool Committee
Submitted by Barbara Stratton
The New Town Community Pool is set to open Saturday, May 25th for the 2024 season. Your Pool Committee is excited to bring you a number of terrific improvements this year, including a computer sign-in at the gate! Additionally, the NTRA Board has generously approved 5 new umbrellas and stands which will help to accommodate pool patrons, while a new, second lifeguard chair will better accommodate the needs of our very appreciated lifeguards! Keeping the pool area leaf and debris-free is a full time job of the lifeguards, and to help with that, the Board also approved the purchase of a leaf-blower for their use. 
This season 2024 pool pass registration is available in-person and easily accessible every Tuesday morning through May and into pool season, from 10:00 – 12:00, and two Wednesday evenings (5/15 and 5/22)  from 4:00 – 7:00PM at the NTRA Meeting Room - 5118 Center Street. Most importantly, you’ll get the 2024 DECAL STICKER that indicates your pass is current for the 2024 Season. (Households with pool passes issued in 2022 and/or 2023 must bring their passes to registration.) 2024 Pool Season information has been sent via eblast to NTRA and NTCA homeowners and is posted on this website’s Pool & Clubs Page
The safety of pool users, and especially the safety of the children is paramount in the enforcement of Pool Rules and the regulation of pool hours and usage. The lifeguards have a big job, but also truly appreciate getting to know the New Town personalities and create some special relationships over the summer. Stay tuned for several events planned by the Activities Committee at the pool – a real opportunity to meet neighbors and make new friends! 
A lot of effort, dedication and time goes into the three months of safe and fun pool days for the residents of New Town. Many thanks go to the friends and neighbors who serve on the committees and the Board to make this all possible! We look forward to seeing you at the pool throughout the season!
Posted on May 1, 2024 6:57 AM by Angela Lesnett
Categories: NTRA Business
On April 19th, the NTRA Board of Directors held a meeting to update Association Members on exterior maintenance issues in the Village Walk neighborhood. (For detailed information owners may view the Fortress Building report and the Board’s presentation on the NTRA website.)
Takeaways from the Briefing
The Board signaled a shift from an information-gathering stage (documenting design and construction defects present in many units in the Village Walk neighborhood of New Town), to the more difficult challenge of deciding:
  • when and how repairs will be made and, importantly,
  • how funding for those repairs will be apportioned among owners of Village Walk units.
The Board emphasized that no decisions have been made yet, and requested feedback from owners.
Estimated costs to carry out the repairs are:
  • Near-term building repairs - $900,000 to $1,000,000 (siding, painting, and Fortress report identified repairs),
  • Rebuilding of all 43 rooftop decks to prevent leaking - $2,150,000, and
  • Other future repairs identified by the NTRA Board - $500,000 to $1,000,000,
The Board stated that a near-term funding requirement of $1,400,000 could be met with a special assessment of $14,000 per owner of a Village Walk unit, spread over one to two years. The Board has not made this decision yet, and is considering options. 
Approximately 40 individuals attended the meeting. Jeff Martin of Fortress Building Envelope Consulting, Inc., presented their findings and recommendations, and answered questions.  Jack Espinal, NTRA Board President, then briefed attendees on the status of various Village Walk exterior maintenance issues including siding repair and replacement, leaking in 8 of the 43 rooftop decks, and questions related to the next steps to be taken.
There are 21 buildings in Village Walk, comprising 99 townhouses of which 43 units are four-story townhomes that have a rooftop deck, which was offered as an option by Eagle Homes, the builder. Eight (8) of the townhouses with rooftop decks have known leaks, and the Board anticipates leaking among the other rooftop deck units in the future.
Village Walk townhomes were purchased subject to an Exterior Maintenance agreement requiring the Association to maintain the exteriors of each unit (in short, the roof and exterior building surfaces, with some exceptions).  Village Walk owners pay an amount over and above their NTRA HOA general assessment to fund these maintenance requirements.
Fortress Building Report
The Board hired Fortress Building to perform an inspection and condition assessment of exterior walls and certain roof sections (not including most shingle areas).
The big-ticket items for repair are the so-called low-slope roofing issues (leaks from the rooftop terraces). There are 8 units with this feature that are known to be leaking. For the leaking rooftop decks Fortress recommends, in general, first removing the existing decking materials, some siding, and the existing door, and then rebuilding the deck and scuppers and replacing the door, incorporating flashing and caulking, in a manner to prevent all future leaks. Fortress did not provide an estimate for this work, but the Board has estimated this at $45,000 to $50,000 per unit. Fortress also suggested that, in the short-term, a gutter could be installed above the sliding door to the terrace to minimize the amount of water falling directly on the terrace floor.
Fortress also provided a listing of current issues and recommendations for repairs. The defects identified included cracks and buckling in some siding, numerous defects in flashing installation and sealing/caulking, and installation issues for some metal panel roofs. These defects often resulted (or likely will result) in water intrusion. Various repairs were identified and recommended; no cost estimate was provided, but some are lower cost repairs.
Board of Directors’ Briefing
Jack Espinal reiterated that the Village Walk reserve accounts have been underfunded for some time, despite significant recent increases in Village Walk fees. Jack explained Eagle’s contribution to shingle roof repairs and that negotiations with Eagle over the rooftop deck repairs are on-going. Siding repairs on one building have been completed and no construction defects were identified. The Allura siding that was installed on most buildings has been identified as defective, but the class-action suit on this matter is closed, so there is little chance of any recovery from the manufacturer. Siding repair and painting is expected to cost approximately $100,000 per building or $20,000 per townhome; some of this work can be deferred.
The Board estimates near term building repairs (siding, painting, other Fortress Report repairs) at approximately $900,000 to $1,000,000, excluding rooftop deck repairs.
The Board has considered several options for funding repair of the rooftop terraces: spread the cost over all 99 homes in Village Walk (including homes without a rooftop deck), spread the costs over the types of homes receiving the repair services, or charge each homeowner when the service is provided. The Board recognized the relative unfairness of these approaches and solicited ideas for additional workable alternatives.
Jack responded to a number of questions posed by owners including queries about establishing accountability for the current situation. The Allura siding question appears to be settled: since the class action was available only for owners (NTRA did not have standing to be part of the class action) and the time for entering the class has passed (NTRA earlier provided VW owners
information about this potential remedy). Negotiations with Eagle about the rooftop decks are ongoing.
The meeting ended with an acknowledgement that there are no easy answers, but the Board wants to develop workable and fair solutions.
Posted on May 1, 2024 6:55 AM by NTRA Emergency Preparedness Committee
Flooding may result from a variety of causes to include overflowing waterways, dam failures, heavy rains, or clogged storm drains. Further, per the National Center for Environmental Information “Ninety percent of all natural disasters involve flooding.”
For many reasons and also because a single inch of flood water can cause $27,000 in damage to a home, it’s important to take steps in advance of a flood to mitigate any possible damage.  
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, has some suggestions in this regard:
  • Know your area’s type of flood risk.  Visit FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center at for information.    
  • Sign up for your community’s warning system.  The Emergency Alert System (EAS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio and provide emergency alerts.  Register for Williamsburg JCC Alerts at
  • Learn and practice evacuation routes and shelter plans, and flash flood response.  
  • Gather supplies in case you have to leave immediately or if services are cut off.  Keep in mind each person’s specific needs, including medications.  Don’t forget the needs of pets.  Obtain extra batteries and charging devices for phones and other critical equipment.  
  • Obtain flood insurance.  Homeowner’s policies do not cover flooding.  If you need help finding a provider, go to or call the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program) at 877-336-2627 or your home insurance agent or a private insurance provider.  
  • Keep important documents in a waterproof container.  Create password-protected digital copies. 
  • Protect your property.  Move valued items to higher levels.  Declutter drains and gutters.  Install check valves.  Consider a sump pump with a battery.    
Posted on May 1, 2024 6:50 AM by NTRA Landscape Advisory Committee
Weed & Pest Control during the Late Spring, Summer and Fall
The landscaping contract that the New Town Residential Association (NTRA) has with James River Grounds Management (JRGM) is for specific commercial services provided in our common areas and the areas around our residences.  It does not include custom services for each resident.  The March and April Town Criers outlined the services that residents should expect to receive during the spring cleanup, mulching, and turf management activities.  Here are the additional services that are provided to lots under our contract.
Application of herbicides and pesticides.   JRGM is required to notify Chesapeake Bay Management (CBM) about the application of all herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and fertilizers used throughout or community at least one week in advance of those applications. CBM advises the community regarding all pending applications.  Information about the specific materials that are being applied by JRGM is available by request from CBM. The MSDS data sheets for every chemical that is being used are available. In addition, notices will be posted in each area one week in advance of every pesticide and herbicide application.
There will be applications of pre-emergent crabgrass and weed control materials applied to all turf areas and in all mulch beds two times a year based upon the site and seasonal conditions. Two applications per year of fertilizer with the proper nutrient blend for the fescue’s turf or warm season (Zoyzsia) grass will be applied to all turf areas throughout our community. Of course, weather conditions sometimes govern and can change the actual application date.
Three applications per year of a broad leaf weed control chemical to control chickweed, broad leaf plantain, and other broadleaf weeds are provided.  They will be applied in the spring, summer and late summer as appropriate based upon the site and seasonal conditions.
Weeding.  Every two weeks, all landscape beds, shrubbery beds, tree beds, cracks in walkways, driveways, parking areas, and curbs will be weeded. This can be done either mechanically or chemically to prevent the growth of grass and weeds.  Weeds and grass killed chemically will be subsequently removed to retain a neat and manicured appearance throughout our community.
Our contract does not provide for customizing any these landscaping services.  Homeowners cannot pick and choose the specific landscaping services that they wish to receive.  However, there is some flexibility.  Homeowners may elect to opt out of JRGM landscaping services every year.  Once homeowners opt out of services, those services will not be provided for the rest of the calendar year.  Residents may begin receiving services again the following spring if they so desire.  CBM maintains a list of homes that have opted out of receiving landscaping services and updates them each year.  Homeowner annual assessments will remain the same whether or not homeowners opt out of landscaping services.
Posted on May 1, 2024 6:45 AM by Ruth Burgess, Board of Directors
Categories: NTRA Business
A new NTRA Meeting Policy recently approved by the NTRA Board of Directors has been posted on the website. This policy and meeting room rules replaces prior meeting space requirements as well as the website automatic registration system. 

Here are some key points of the policy:
  • The meeting room is available for use only by the NTRA Board of Directors, NTRA Committees, and NTRA Clubs, or for Board-approved charitable activities.
  • Groups using the room must be comprised of NTRA members.
  • The room is not available for private parties.
  • The NTRA Board of Directors has the right to preempt other groups scheduled for the room as necessary
  • Groups using the room must adhere to behavioral and other guidelines in the General Rules statement, use room equipment properly, clean up after themselves, and make sure door is properly locked upon exit. A Responsible Person named on the Approval Form will be charged with responsibility for ensuring the room is used appropriately, as well as opening and closing/locking the room.
All meetings approved for the meeting room will be posted on the website calendar to avoid confusion, and problems double-scheduling of meeting room space.

A final note: our President, Jack Espinal did much of the work in drafting the new policy so that it easily met the approval of John and Sue Tarley, NTRA’s legal counsel. We have both Jack and the Tarleys to thank for this effort to ensure that we have clear and complete guidelines for our Meeting Room.
Posted on May 1, 2024 6:45 AM by Town Crier Staff
Wednesday evening concerts in Sullivan Square start tonight at 5:30PM through June 12th. Bring your lawn chair and enthusiasm. Food trucks and beer/wine will be available for purchase. The group Revelation is playing on May 1st.
The full roster of future groups is listed below - included some double headers!  Look for reminders on our NTRA Facebook page:
Here is a list of the upcoming 2024 events planned by the New Town Residential Association Activities Committee exclusively for New Town residents.