One of the great advantages of living in a managed community like New Town is that the homeowners association requires owners to keep their property in good condition and controls the community’s environment. For townhomes and detached homes, this is accomplished through the provisions of the New Town Residential Association’s (NTRA) amended Master Declaration and Covenants which owners agree to abide by when they purchase a property in New Town. This document allows the NTRA Board of Directors to establish association rules. The NTRA Board has passed only one set of rules, with two amendments. The comprehensive rules passed in 2005 covers things that residents can and cannot do. These were amended 1) in 2018 to clarify placement of outdoor grills, and 2) in 2019 to address trashcan storage problems experienced by certain NTRA cottages with limited storage. These documents are provided as part of the buyer disclosure packet to everyone who buys a home in New Town and are available on the
NTRA website.
I am going to review some of the rules that generate complaints to our association manager and our Board of Directors. A variety of FAQs are also available on the NTRA website
Frequently Asked Questions page.
1. What are the parking rules for the streets in New Town? (Section II, Rule 30)
Parking in streets and properties within New Town is restricted to private automobiles, passenger vans and small, one town or less pickup trucks and SUVs. Except for a commercial vehicle of 1 ton or less for personal use, no commercial vehicles and trailers of any type can be parked within New Town residential properties overnight.
2. I see a lot of dogs, how are they regulated? (Section II, Rule 1)
Pets must be kept under control and on leash while they are in New Town. Owners must also pick up and properly dispose of animal droppings. Pets causing or creating a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance or noise may be permanently removed from New Town upon ten (10) days written notice from the Board of Directors.
3. What is the procedure for trash pickup and the storage of trash and recycle cans? (Section II, Rule 39)
Trash pickup is provided weekly, generally on Wednesdays (weather or equipment failures can impact this occasionally). Covered trash containers can be placed on the street for pickup on the day before the scheduled pickup and removed the evening after the pickup. Trash containers should be kept in a concealed or screened area - they cannot be kept in driveways, on sidewalks, or in front yards. The 2019 Rules amendment makes an exception for specific cottage homes with limited storage space.
4. Are there rules about nuisances and noise in New Town? (Declaration Section 7.1(a) and (k), Rules Section II, Rule 26 and 27)
Yes, there are. Residents may not use any New Town property including our common areas in a way that could reasonably cause “embarrassment, discomfort, or annoyance” of other owners.
5. Can I use all or part of my home as an Air B&B? (Declaration Section 7.1(dd))
No. Homes in New Town can only be leased for periods of 12 months or more. Leasing owners must notify the Association of their new address and phone number along with information on their tenant (tenant name, work and home phone numbers and management company as applicable.) Leases of less than 12 months are prohibited and properties cannot be used or occupied for transient or hotel purposes. Owners are also responsible for ensuring that tenants abide by the Association’s governing documents and rules.
6. What are the penalties for NTRA rule violations?
Generally, oral communications with the violator of NTRA rules resolves the problem. If this is not successful, a formal violation process will be started with a letter sent to the homeowner. If the violation continues, the offending homeowner will be invited to a hearing before the Board of Directors to explain the situation and offer any extenuating circumstances. Charges may be assessed to mitigate any expense incurred by the NTRA and repair any damage resulting from the violation. The Board of Directors may also fine a violator up to $50 dollars for a single violation or up to 10 dollars per day for continuing violations up to 30 days.