Town Crier Articles

Lydias Park Holiday Decorating
Posted on February 1, 2025 6:40 AM by Liz Fones-Wolf
Over the years Charlotte Park homeowners, including Dave and Marie Gaydos, have decorated part of the Eizabeth Davis green for the holidays.  Inspired by their efforts, this year Eden and Bob Glenn kicked off the holiday season by inviting their Abbey Commons neighbors to celebrate as a community by gathering  to decorate their Lydias Park reen.  In the late afternoon, of Sunday, December 1, kids and adults opened boxes of decorations and climbed ladders (carefully), as they trimmed the trees on the common with brightly colored balls and other decorations and then trooped into the Glenn’s townhouse for hot chocolate and goodies. Young resident Sheila Cyrus thoroughly enjoyed the event. She observed that it made her feel more like Christmas when “things are pretty” and that during the winter “grass is brown and the tree are bare” but putting “ornaments on the trees added color” and happiness. The Glenns hope to continue the decorating and community building in future years.
Comment By: Elizabeth Fones-Wolf
Posted on February 1, 2025 10:53 AM
Is there any interest in the Activities Committee sponsoring a Holiday House Decorating Contest? We could give small prizes to the best community decoration, best house decoration and or the best house lighting decoration. We will look for responses on this page.

Last Edited: 02/02/2025 at 10:50 AM