Town Crier Articles

Share Your Time and Talents with Us - VOLUNTEER!
Posted on September 1, 2024 6:50 AM by Mary Cheston
Categories: NTRA Business
Do you have a few extra hours to spare now that the kids are back in school?  Perhaps you are new to our community and want to meet more people. Volunteering with one of our various HOA Committees is the perfect way to be engaged with your neighbors. Owners in good standing and tenants are eligible to serve on most Committees.
Current critical needs include:
  • COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE – HELP!!! Our website and newsletter are dependent on volunteers. Don't you want to know what is happening with your fees? There has not been an active Communications Committee for the past 2 years.  Instead, individuals have been contributing periodic articles for the monthly Town Crier. This Committee is an easy time commitment – just a few hours a month to brainstorm and write an article. We need to reinvigorate information sharing in our community and that means we need you!
  • ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ARC) – This Committee reviews all applications for changes to property.  Members serve 3-year terms, so to ensure continuity, the ARC uses an alternate member to learn the process and step in for votes when needed for a quorum.  The ARC currently is seeking an alternate member who will rotate into full status.
There are eight NTRA Committees – (the others are Activities, Asset Maintenance, Emergency Preparedness, Finance, Landscape Advisory and Pool). Surely one of these teams would appreciate your involvement, even on an intermittent basis.  The Board of Directors will have two vacancies in December and also will be seeking volunteers to run for these positions.
If you are curious but not sure, now is the time to reach out for more information, perhaps visit a Committee meeting and see whether you are a good fit for their work. All Committee meetings are published on the NTRA website calendar. 
Interested or want more information? Send a quick email to to be put in touch with the Committee Chair.
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