5118 Center Street - NTRA's New "Floating" Meeting Space
Posted on May 1, 2022 6:20 AM by Mary Cheston, President, Board of Directors
We have moved into new space for New Town Residential Association (NTRA) meetings - hopefully for at least the remainder of 2022. Developers Realty has made the former Computer Concepts store at 5118 Center Street (next to Salon Vivace) available for Member use until such time as a permanent tenant leases the location.
The space has two separate meeting areas that are reservable for Committees, with combined seating for 22 people. (There is also a small office for our community manager to use when she is on site.) Reservations are through the NTRA website, and instructions have been sent to all Committee Chairs on how to reserve and maintain the rooms.
Members of the Board cleaned and spruced up the area to provide a more presentable and safer meeting option. Many, many thanks to Glen Mitchell and Ric Cheston for their efforts in repainting two large areas. Let’s hope the space doesn’t look so much better that someone wants to rent it permanently!
Our thanks to Developers Realty for working with us to identify a usable location. Be sure to frequent our neighboring New Town businesses while you are in the area taking care of NTRA business.