Town Crier Articles

Volunteer Spotlight: Tara Stratton, Pool Committee Chair
Posted on May 1, 2022 6:40 AM by Kate Licastro
The first time Tara Stratton met with neighbors to discuss the New Town Pool, it was 2011 and the discussion wasn’t about entry systems or pool refinishing, it was to figure out how to get the pool built in the first place. Fast forward more than a decade, and Tara is once again working to make the New Town Pool a safe, enjoyable part of the neighborhood.  
There were only six homes built in Charlotte Park when Tara and her husband John, along with their two children, decided to take a chance on the neighborhood. Tara recalls the early days of all-neighborhood Easter egg hunts, island-planting parties, and of course, neighbors coming together to get a pool built. Over the last decade, John’s Air Force career relocated the Stratton family to England, Washington D.C., back to Williamsburg, and back to England. With John’s retirement from the Air Force, the Stratton’s celebrated their most recent, and hopefully final move back into their Charlotte Park home in the summer of 2021. 
So, what does our NTRA pool committee do, exactly? “The primary role of the pool committee is to make recommendations to the Board of Directors (BOD) on what is needed to improve the pool experience for residents,” notes Tara. “We work closely with the Management Company and the BOD to make the pool a pleasant place to be.” For example, the pool committee may recommend optimal pool hours based on resident usage and desires balanced with budget and staffing availability. 
A huge success for the 2022 season was securing the new entry system (see "2022 New Town Pool Season Requires New Pool Passes"), which required months of research, bid solicitation, and working with the BOD to allocate funds. Throughout the pool season, committee members monitor pool operations and facilities. Based on observations from previous seasons and resident feedback, the pool committee and Management Company recommended a supplementary cleaning company to enhance pool restroom and common area cleanliness, which the BOD secured for 2022. At the end of the season, pool committee members take inventory and note any repairs or maintenance concerns to address in the off-season. This year, committee members will conduct furniture evaluations to potentially add to and update the current available pool furniture.
Do you have suggestions or feedback you would like to discuss with the pool committee? “We always have time for input from the community at the pool committee meetings,” Tara shared. The schedule of pool committee meetings is available on the NTRA calendar webpage.  
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