Town Crier Articles

Pending Revision to Master Plan Language Regarding Eastern State Hospital 
Posted on May 1, 2022 6:10 AM by Mary Cheston, President, Board of Directors
Categories: NTRA Business
At its April 26, 2022 Business Meeting, Supervisor Jim Icenhour requested that James City County staff revise the language regarding the Eastern State Hospital land use redesignation in the pending Comprehensive Master Plan descriptive text to remove references to “New Town.” He asked that staff propose new descriptive language to the Board of Supervisors (BOS).  
Planning Director Paul Holt confirmed via email that “when the Comprehensive Plan materials return to the BOS concurrent with a rezoning application, the updated name will appear (as Eastern State, Parcel C) in the documents for the Board’s consideration.” 
To date, this is the only official change to the Eastern State proposals that is under formal consideration. The Board took no action on the NTRA’s request for an official County commitment to no cut-through of Olive Drive and other items outlined in our April 8th letter, which will also likely await a formal rezoning application from ABVA.
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