Town Crier Articles

New Book Club Forming
Posted on June 1, 2021 7:00 AM by Town Crier Staff
submitted by Ginny Fisher
With our community growing, we thought we might benefit by starting another book club. The idea would be to meet from September through June. Also, because some may occasionally be out of town, we’d choose books at the beginning of the year so everyone could plan when they’ll be able to attend and what books they’ll read. 
By discussing and planning books upfront, we hope to get a nice mix of high-quality books. We can then mix up autobiographies, fiction/ non fiction and maybe some “ice cream and lollipops” lighter books too. 
To start off the year here are a few we’ve chosen: Heartland, Sarah Smarsh (memoir), Three Ordinary Girls by Tom Brady (non-fiction), The Second Mountain by David Brooks (philosophy), Born a Crime, by Trevor Noah (autobiography).  Please bring along your book suggestions so we can discuss them at our first gathering in September. 
So, if you’re interested in joining us, please contact Ginny Fisher,  Blanche Scharf and I look forward to hearing from you. Please let us know by August 1. 
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